Wednesday, May 26, 2010


155.8 lbs
38.5% Fat
26.3 BMI
6.2 Lost
1.6 Gained

Day 8.

I got in a fight with an apple fritter- and I lost. Let me set the scene. It's dinner time on Day 7. Hadn't slipped once in a weeks time. I decided to reward myself. The hubby offers to pick up my favorite sushi roll. I take it a step further and say, "If you decide you want to pick me up an apple fritter at the donut place while you are waiting for the roll.. that would be fine with me too."

Short story shorter, 1.6 POUNDS GAINED!

I stumbled upon a detour, but I am back on course. On this Day 8, I have another 7 days on the RAW detox. I am proud to say that I am now only 20.8 pounds away from my goal weight. That is at least less than what my baby weighs. (If you are following me, you might remember my epiphany on Day 2.) It is saddening, however, to know that if I had stayed focused, I would instead be telling you that I now had under 20 pounds to lose.

But something great happened. A mouth-watering apple fritter, quickly turned into a fantastic reminder of why I want to eat cleaner. Much like Eve's sinful apple, my apple fritter lacked it's promises. The intoxicating smell, was better than the taste. So here I begin this second half with a refreshed motivation to stay on track.

I wonder then, what will be next. The South Beach Diet is a possible fit. A diet filled with some of the similar foods I have been enjoying raw... but I could then eat them grilled! Now there is a reward that never lacks what's promised. My husbands grilling.

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