Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Starting Line

162.0 Lbs
39.9 % Fat
27.3 BMI
Here I am! Day one. Starting out on my adventure to find myself again. Like many first time moms... I have found myself without... well... myself. Clearly no one's fault but my own. A once very confident, careerminded and health conscious woman, became less than desirable to herself. Which is not something I want for my daughter, or my husband.

The Confession: I would describe myself as, not a control 'freak', but someone who likes to be in control. Slowly.. since the birth of my baby 14 months ago... I have been spiralling OUT of control.

It's not as though I woke up this morning and looked in the mirror wondering what had happened to me. (except for the morning I woke up to a pair of flat and saggy boobs after weaning my baby. Hey- at least they are a pair, right?)

It's more like one morning I woke to the very early sounds of a waking baby, went to change her diaper and the last wipe had been used. Went to get my coffee, but had to wash a cup first. Woke up another morning to several loads of laundry I had been putting off. Got into my car one day to find empty water bottles on the floor and trash tossed about everywhere. Fell asleep several nights in a row without that 'one on one' time with my husband. To recently putting on the maternity jeans I am still wearing... to find that they are to tight!

Am I a career Mom with no time and energy left in her day for dusting, dishes, laundry, workouts and sex after a 9 to 5 job? No! I am a stay at home Mom, with an amazing husband who actually enjoys cooking for me! I have just been lazy- and it got easier and easier everyday.

The Journey: The first step- I need an attitude adjustment! I am taking a step back to jot down the things that are IN my control and the things that are OUT of my control. And most importantly- I will accept it.

Gone are the days that I go to bed without completing my chores! There will no longer be dishes in the sink. No longer a messy living room to wake up to. No longer 5 loads of laundry waiting to be washed. No longer an un-made bed to crawl into at days end. These things I CAN control.

Which brings me to keeping my husband happy! We have a great sex life. However, since I have been out of shape over the last few months, the romance has also been out of the bedroom. I suddenly lack confidence. I lack sexiness. I am committing to taking care of my man again! I am committing to taking care of myself, for myself and for my husband. I will maintain myself again! Doing the hair, putting on the make-up, the clothes... AND... just as important... letting the 'mommy hair' down, taking off the make-up, and taking off the clothes!

Last, the several half-hearted attempts at losing "the baby weight" stops now! Day one began this morning, and so did my 2-week detox plan. Only RAW fruits and veggies for the next 14-days. The workout? Along with salsa dancing with my baby girl, a daily 45-minute walk and a Pilate's program will be my new ritual.

I chose the name Mamma a`la mode because that is what I am. A Mom- but reminding myself that I am so much more! And thanks to all the pie I ate a`la mode while pregnant... I have 27 pounds to lose!

I am renewing myself. And I am holding myself accountable here!

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