Saturday, May 22, 2010

Hotel California

156.2 lbs
39.6 %Fat
26.8 BMI
5.8 lbs Lost
Day 4.
On a mission for romance.

As a birthday gift to my husband, I bought the two of us tickets to The Eagles concert. We know every word to most of their songs, and have many fond memories attached to them. Truth be told, there is no better road trip music. (unless you are in a car full of girlfriends. In which case you are belting out Jewel at the top of your lungs!)

The Plan:The car seat is coming out of the car. I'll put the seats down and make a nice inviting bed in the back of our SUV. Don't get me wrong- the whole backseat thing is sexy... but I am making a plan here. Maybe even use some shoe polish to write 'Hotel California' on the back window... cheesy? Well... I would love it!

I'll pack up an ice chest with a few of his favorite things... some Tequila, some beer, a sandwich, and some other munchies for him. (Carrot sticks for me. Damn this diet!) I'll plan to leave for the show early so we have time to tail-gate a little... in and out of the car.

I am a romantic at heart. As a stay at home mom, I don't get very many opportunities to go big for my man anymore. Those paychecks with my name on it really helped the sneak factor before. The baby is staying at home with Grandpa, and I am taking advantage of every moment of it!

He's got the best of my love.

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